Description | |
Catalogue Number | 105076 |
Product Information | |
CAS number | 7778-74-7 |
EC index number | 017-008-00-5 |
EC number | 231-912-9 |
Grade | ACS |
Hill Formula | ClKO₄ |
Chemical formula | KClO₄ |
Molar Mass | 138.55 g/mol |
HS Code | 2829 90 10 |
Quality Level | MQ300 |
Physicochemical Information | |
Melting Point | 610 °C (decomposition) |
pH value | 5.0 (10 g/l, H₂O, 25 °C) |
Bulk density | 1150 kg/m3 |
Solubility | 17 g/l |
Storage and Shipping Information | |
Storage | Store at +5 °C to +30 °C. |
Tavsiye Ürünler
4.767,67 TL + KDV
5.721,20 TL