ZYMO RESEARCH D5011 Universal Methylated DNA Standard Human
ZYMO RESEARCH D5011 Universal Methylated DNA Standard Human |
Purified, methylated human DNA (D5011) and methylated mouse DNA (D5012) for use as controls to assess bisulfite conversion efficiency.
Compatible with the EZ DNA Methylation family of products and other bisulfite conversion protocols. All cytosines within a CpG dinucleotide context have been enzymatically methylated by M. SssI methyltransferase.
Each standard is provided with a primer set to amplify a fragment of DNA after bisulfite conversion. |

The Universal Methylated DNA Standards are designed to be used as positive controls to assess the efficiency of DNA bisulfite conversion in human and mouse models. The control DNA can be run in parallel with samples to monitor the bisulfite conversion reaction. The primer sets are designed to amplify a fragment of the supplied DNA from the respective species following bisulfite treatment.